Tag: Psalm 27

Exploring Faith, Family, and Community

Was I Confident? Reflecting on My Word for 2019

The word I picked for 2019 was “confident”. Not confident in myself or what I could accomplish, but confident in God and what I have seen Him do. Confident in the knowledge that He will continue to work in our lives, no matter the season. A few months ago, someone commented on the confidence Jay…
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My Word for 2019

My Word for 2019

I’ve never been good at New Year’s resolutions. I’ve made them. I just rarely keep them beyond the first month, or even week. They just never factor into my life as a high priority.
This year, I’ve seen lots of people sharing their “word of the year”. They choose a word to represent their goals for the year or something they hope to learn, improve, etc. Rather than choose to focus on a list of changes that they plan to make to themselves, they chose a word to meditate on and focus on when making decisions. That is something I can do, as long as there is a biblical basis for my word.