Finding Joy in Adversity

Exploring Faith, Family, and Community

Finding Joy in Adversity

“Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”

James 1:2, 3 (CSB)

It was anything but joyful.

There was confusion and anger as I tried to sort through the changes in my husband, followed by shock and more anger when it was revealed what he’d been doing.

Six months of meetings with attorneys and court appearances, then nearly a year and a half with him in a prison camp almost four hours away.

I’d gone from a part-time ministry position I loved, to full-time work in a corporate environment that left me feeling out of my element.

Our girls struggled to find some stability with just one parent at home. With their hero gone.

Consider it a great joy

Joy is probably the last word that comes to mind when we are in the middle of a trial! Yet, the Bible encourages us to not only embrace our struggles, but to be joyful when they come?

I have to laugh now when I think of how many times I counseled young people to apply those verses in James when I’d never really understood and applied them in my own trials. I’d grown from struggles, but it’s wasn’t a conscious thought. After the fact, I could point to God and the changes I’d experienced from the process, but I hadn’t chosen joy, or even considered anything joyful, in those times.

When we experience various trials

One word that always jumps out at me when I read these verses (no matter the translation) is the word “when” or “whenever”. Nowhere do I read “if”.

There is no question of whether or not we will face seasons of struggle. In fact, we are pretty much guaranteed to face trials in our life. Encouraging, right?

What is encouraging is knowing that God already knew what we would face, and He created a plan for it. Little by little, He prepared us for whatever was coming next or He provided the resources to get us through.

Knowing that the testing of your faith

The word “know” or “knowing” in these verses points to that experience we build through our trials. Each challenge that comes up in life builds on the last one. When the big test comes, we can respond based on our past experience. Did we rely on God’s word and His presence in our life? Or did we use our own strength to get through that difficult season? Our response to each challenge determines how well we face the next struggle that comes along.

The testing of your faith produces endurance

One misconception about mature Christians is that their lives are perfect and that they don’t struggle. What if it is actually their history of troubles that has led them to that place of peace? If we believe what these verses tell us, it’s true!

James uses the word “endurance” in verse two when referring to the result of our tests. defines endurance as “the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions”. He isn’t speaking of physical endurance though, but a spiritual one.

As each new trial comes along, we have the opportunity to learn and build up our endurance, our strength for facing the next obstacle. Sometimes the lesson is as simple as learning not to repeat an action. Sometimes the lessons are harder to see. Regardless, we have the chance to see how God works in our lives and to grow in our faith as preparation for the next season.

Finding my joy

The years we were dealing with Jay’s legal issues tested my faith in a way it had never been tested before. It wasn’t something I could fix with my own power. I didn’t even try. Instead, I trusted God to care for us and guide us in the right direction.

In the midst of that difficult time, I found joy.

I found joy in the opportunity to bond with my daughters, whether at home doing “chick stuff” or on our long drives to visit their daddy.

There was joy in knowing God was providing our needs: financially and spiritually.

Friendships grew deeper or were formed.

God opened doors for Jay and I to each ministry where we were, and our story was able to impact lives.

Even in our darkest days, God showed me how to find joy in my trial.

Find your joy

When you’re in the middle of your trial, it isn’t always easy to see how God is working unless He moves in a big way. I chose to look for the little miracles God was going to do, because I needed there to be purpose in Jay’s incarceration.

Thankfully, He showed me more than I ever imagined, and He continues to provide above and beyond what I expect.

Have you seen God moved in big ways in your life? Are you looking for the little ways He’s working around you every day?

If you have questions about how God may be working for you, feel free to reach out to us at We’d love to help answer your questions and offer some guidance along your journey.


4 Responses

  1. Stacey says:

    Finding joy in adversity is so challenging! You have made some really great points. God has told us we will have trouble, but He also assures us that He’ll be with us, and I’m so thankful for that. I appreciate your words so very much today! <3

    • Robin says:

      I’m glad you were able to appreciate this. I have walked some difficult seasons of life but God has always shown me that He is with me. I hope you see the same in your life.

  2. Charlie says:

    You both are so amazing.

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